Airbus Ship Detection Challenge
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Kaggle competition: Airbus is excited to challenge Kagglers to build a model that detects all ships in satellite images.
The dataset is composed of 208 162 images with a resolution of 768 by 768 pixels. The dataset is splitted into 192 556 training images and 15 606 testing images. Example of satellite images:
For training purpose, each training image has a corresponding segmentation mask. This mask will be used as ground truth by the network. The masks corresponding to the example images above:
U-Net architecture
I used a well known segmentation network, implemented with Keras in Python, in order to detect ships. The network architecture is described as below:
Since I do not have access to a powerful GPU, I can not properly train the network. Nevertheless, it acheives a true positive detection rate of almost 74%.
From left to right, original images, ground truth mask and predicted mask by the network: